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The Definitive Guide to Treatment GraphQL Errors

Get it? Cuz they're errors... and you throw & catch 'em …nevermind
          if (upshot.errors) throw result.errors[0]        

Identifying Error Types

  1. Server problems (5xx HTTP codes, 1xxx WebSocket codes)
  2. Customer problems east.grand. rate-limited, unauthorized, etc. (4xx HTTP codes)
  3. The query is missing/malformed
  4. The query fails GraphQL internal validation (syntax, schema logic, etc.)
  5. The user-supplied variables or context is bad and the resolve/subscribe role intentionally throws an error (east.g. not allowed to view requested user)
  6. An uncaught developer error occurred inside the resolve/subscribe function (e.g. poorly written database query)

Don't Intentionally Throw Errors in GraphQL

                      return            {
error: {
id: '123',
type: 'expiredToken',
subType: 'expiredInvitationToken',
message: 'The invitation has expired, delight request a new 1',
title: 'Expired invitation',
helpText: '',
language: 'en-US'
  • All errors are sanitized and ready for the viewer before they hitting the client
  • You don't need to throw a stringified object and parse information technology on the client
  • Yous don't have to send the same error in 22 unlike languages (you know who y'all are)
  • You can transport the same mistake as a breadcrumb to your mistake logging service
  • Most importantly, your GraphQL errors array won't include whatever user-facing errors which means your UI won't ignore them!
          mainQuery {
team { #succeeds
notifications { #fails
          mainQuery {
teamPayload {
mistake {
team {
notificationPayload {
error {
notifications {

How to Hide Your Shortcomings (from the client)

                      // Called for error types i-4 (5xx, 4xx, missing/invalid query)
onError = (err) => {

const onCompleted = (event, errs) => {
// Called for error type 6 (eg unexpected missing DB field)
err = errs.notice(({path}) => path.includes('corroborate'));
if (err) {

// called for error type five (eg expired auth token)
{corroborate: {error: {message}}} = result;

commitMutation(env, {mutation, onCompleted, onError})


  • If GraphQL gives you results.information, it is not an error, so don't throw information technology on the client.
  • If the viewer should come across the error, return the fault as a field in the response payload. If information technology's a query, make a response payload.
  • Supersede whatsoever remaining GraphQL errors with a generic message, only don't throw it on the customer and don't wait the UI to always be able to handle it.

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