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and Summer Will Not Come Again


This gallery shows a selection of covers of periodicals in which Sylvia Plath's poems, stories, and other writings appeared during her lifetime as well as after her death. Data such as the work published, the journal title, and date of issue are visible beneath the larger images. This gallery can be used in conjuction with the bibliography of periodical publications.


"Seventh Grade Girls" [prose]. The Phillipian. February 1946.

"The Spring Parade" and "March" [poems]. The Phillipian. April 1945.

"The Rain" [poem]. The Phillipian. June 1945.

"My Garden" [poem]. The Phillipian. November 1945.

"A Winter Sunset" and "The Snowflake Star" [poems] and "Assembly Lineup: January 30" [unattributed, prose]. The Phillipian. February 1946.

"Spring Song" [poem] and "Visiting the Home Rooms: Room 5 - Miss Sullivan" [unattributed, prose]. The Phillipian. April 1946.

"The Pond in Spring" [prose]. The Phillipian. June 1946.

"To Miss Cox" and "October" [poems] and Club Doings [prose]. The Phillipian. November 1946.

"Fireside Reveries" [poem]; "A Morning in the Agora" and "Book Lovers - Miss Craig" [prose]. The Phillipian. February 1947.

"Sea Symphony" [poem] and "Victory" [prose]. The Phillipian. April 1947.

"Class Poem" and "May" [poems]. The Phillipian. June 1947.


"And Summer Will Not Come Again" [story]. Seventeen. August 1950.

"Ode to a Bitten Plum" [poem]. Seventeen. November 1950.

"Evolution" [poem]. Experiment Magazine. December 1950.

Excerpt from a letter to Olive Higgins Prouty [prose]. Smith Alumnae Quarterly. February 1951.

"Den of Lions" [story]. Seventeen. May 1951.

"In Retrospect: A Plea for Moderation" [journalism]. The Princeton Tiger. 4 May 1951. Co-written with Marcia Brown.

"Sunday at the Mintons'" [story]. Mademoiselle. August 1952.

"Sunday at the Mintons'" [story]. Smith Review. Fall 1952.

"The Perfect Setup" [story]. Seventeen. October 1952.

"Twelfth Night" [poem]. Seventeen. December 1952.

"Crossing the Equinox" [poem]. America Sings: Anthology Of College Poetry. 1952.

"Initiation" [story]. Seventeen. January 1953.

"Mad Girl's Love Song", "To Eva Descending the Stair", and "Doomsday" [poems]. Smith Review. Spring 1953.

"The Suitcases are Packed Again" [poem]. Seventeen. March 1953.

"Carnival Nocturne "[poem]. Seventeen. April 1953.

"Mad Girl's Love Song" [poem]. Mademoiselle. August 1953.

"Smith Review Revived" [prose]. Smith Alumnae Quarterly. Fall 1953.

"Doomsday" [poem]. Harper's Magazine. May 1954.

"The Neilson Professor" [prose]. Smith Alumnae Quarterly. Fall 1954.

"To Eva Descending the Stair" [poem]. Harper's Magazine. September 1954.

"Go Get the Goodly Squab" [poem]. Harper's Magazine. November 1954.


"Circus in Three Rings" [poem]. The Atlantic. August 1955.

"Two Lovers and a Beachcomber by the Real Sea" [poem]. Mademoiselle. August 1955.

"Lament" [poem]. New Orleans Poetry Journal. October 1955.

"Epitaph in Three Parts " and "'Three Caryatids without a Portico' by Hugo Robus. A Study in Sculptural Dimensions" [poems]. Chequer 9. Winter 1956.

"Prologue to Spring" [poem]. Chequer 10. Summer 1956.

"Winter Words" [poem]. Delta. Summer 1956.

"The Day Mr Prescott Died" [prose]. Granta. 20 October 1956.

"B. and K. at the Claridge" [prose]. Smith Alumnae Quarterly. Fall 1956.

"Epitaph for Fire and Flower", "On the Difficulty of Conjuring Up A Dryad", "Miss Drake Proceeds to Supper", and "November Graveyard" [poems]. Chequer 11. Winter 1956-1957.

"Pursuit" [poem]. The Atlantic. January 1957.

"The Wishing Box" [story]. Granta. 26 January 1957.

"Wreath for a Bridal", "Dream with Clam-Digger", "Strumpet Song", "Metamorphosis", "Two Sisters of Persephone", and "Epitaph for Fire and Flower" [poems]. Poetry. January 1957.

"Spinster" and "Vanity Fair" [poems]. Gemini. Spring 1957.

"Mad Girl's Love Song" and "Soliloquy of the Solipsist" [poems]. Granta. 4 May 1957.

"Black Rook in Rainy Weather" [poem]. The Antioch Reivew. Summer 1957.

"All the Dead Dears" [story] and a review of Stones of Troy by C.A. Trypanis [prose]. Gemini. Summer 1957.

"The Snowman on the Moor", "Sow", "Ella Mason and Her Eleven Cats", and "On the Difficulty of Conjuring up a Dryad" [poems]. Poetry. July 1957.

"On the Plethora of Dryads". New Mexico Quarterly. Autumn 1957.

"Recantation" and "Tinker Jack and the Tidy Wives" [poems]. Accent 17. Autumn 1957.

"All the Dead Dears" [poem]. Grecourt Review 1. November 1957.

"Spinster" and "Black Rook in Rainy Weather" [poems]. The London Magazine. June 1958.

"Mussel Hunter at Rock Harbor" [poem]. The New Yorker. 9 August 1958.

"Night Walk" ["Hardcastle Crags"] [poem]. The New Yorker. 11 October 1958.

"Spinster" [poem]. Smith Alumnae Quarterly. Fall 1953.

"Second Winter" [poem]. Ladies' Home Journal. December 1958.

"Cambridge Vistas" [prose]. Institute of International Education News Bulletin. December 1958.


"The Times are Tidy" [poem] and Four Young Poets [interview]. Mademoiselle. January 1959.

"Main Street at Midnight" ["Owl"] [poem]. Spectator. February 13, 1959.

"Snakecharmer", "Lorelei", and "The Disquieting Muses" [poems]. The London Magazine. March 1959.

"Lorelei", "Full Fathom Five", "The Hermit at Outermost House" [poems]. Audience. Spring 1959.

"The Bull of Bendylaw" [poem]. Horn Book Magazine. April 1959.

"Sculptor" [poem]. Grecourt Review 2. May 1959.

"Departure of the Ghost" ["The Ghost's Leavetaking"] and "Point Shirley" [poems]. The Sewanee Review. Summer 1959.

"Aftermath", "The Goring", "Sculptor" (for Leonard Baskin) [poems]. Arts in Society. Fall 1959.

"I Want, I Want" [poem]. Partisan Review. Fall 1959.

"On the Decline of Oralces", "The Death of Myth-Making", and "A Lesson in Vengeance" [poems]. Poetry. September 1959.

"In Midas' Country" and "The Thin People" [poems]. The London Magazine. October 1959.

"A Winters Tale" [poem]. The New Yorker. 12 December 1959.

"Man in Black" [poem]. The New Yorker. 9 April 1960.

"The Beggars" and "The Eye-Mote" [poems]. Chelsea Review. May 1960.

"The Daughters of Blossom Street" [story]. The London Magazine. May 1960.

"Water Color of Grantchester Meadows" [poem]. The New Yorker. 28 May 1960.

"A Winter Ship" [poem]. The Atlantic. July 1960.

"Mushrooms" [poem]. Harper's Magazine. July 1960.

"The Net Menders" [poem]. The New Yorker. August 20, 1960.

"The Sleepers" and "Full Fathom Five" [poems]. The London Magazine. June 1960.

"The Manor Garden", "The Beggars", and "Blue Moles" [poems]. Critical Quarterly Volume 2, Number 2. Summer 1960.

"Metaphors for a Pregnant Woman" ["Metaphors"] [poem]. Partisan Review. Summer 1960.

"The Manor Garden" [poem]. The Atlantic. September 1960.

"Ouija", "Electra on Azalea Path", "Suicide Off Egg Rock", and "Moonrise" [poems]. The Hudson Reivew. Autumn 1960.

"The Beekeeper's Daughter" and "The Colossus" [poems]. The Kenyon Reivew. Autumn 1960.

"Medallion" [poem]. Poetry 1960: An Appetiser Critical Quarterly Poetry Supplement 1. 1960.

"Candles" [poem]. The Listener. 17 November 1960.

"Flute Notes from a Reedy Pond" [poem]. Texas Quarterly 3. Winter 1960.

"The Colossus" [poem]. Encounter. February 1961.

"The Fifty-Ninth Bear" [story]. The London Magazine. February 1961.

Plath re-wrote captions and worked on layout . The Bookseller. February 11, 1963.

"A Life" [poem]. The Listener. May 4, 1961.

"You're" [poem]. Harper's Magazine. June 1961.

"Private Ground" and "I am Vertical" [poems]. The Critical Quarterly Volume 3, Number 2. Summer 1961. Also contains a review of The Colossus by A. E. Dyson

"Tulips" [poem]. Poetry at the Mermaid. July 1961.

"On Deck" [poem]. The New Yorker. July 22, 1961.

"Words for a Nursery" [poem]. The Atlantic. August 1961.

"Zoo Keepers Wife", "You're", "Small Hours" ("Barren Woman"), "Parliament Hill Fields", "Whitsun", and "Leaving Early" [poems]. London Magazine. August 1961.

"Witch Burning". Texas Quarterly 4. Autumn 1961.

"The Perfect Place" [story]. My Weekly. 28 October 1961.

"Insomniac" [poem]. Guinness Poetry Award 1960-1961: Winning Poems. [October 31, 1961].

American Poetry Now Critical Quarterly Poetry Supplement 2. Introduction [prose]. 1961. Edited by Sylvia Plath.


"Parliament Hill Fields" [poem]. English Poetry Now Critical Quarterly Poetry Supplement 3. 1962.

"Sleep in the Mojave Desert" [poem]. Harper's Magazine. February 1962.

"In Plaster" [poem] and "Context" [prose]. The London Magazine. February 1962.

"Stars Over the Dordogne", "Widow", "Face Life", "Heavy Woman", and "Love Letter" [poems]. Poetry. March 1962.

"The Colossus" [poem]. Encounter. April 1962.

"Tulips" [poem]. The New Yorker. 7 April 1962.

"Private Ground" [poem]. Harper's Magazine. August 1962.

"Blackberrying" [poem]. The New Yorker. 15 September 1962.

"The Surgeon at 2 a.m." [poem]. The Listener. 20 September 1962.

"Insomniac" [poem]. Cheltenham Festival of Literature. October 1-6, 1962.

"Leaving Early" [poem]. Harper's Magazine. December 1962.

"Event" [poem]. The Observer. December 16, 1962.

"Stopped Dead" and "The Applicant" [poems]. The London Magazine. January 1963.

"Edge", "The Fearful", "Kindness", "Contusion" [poems]. The Observer. February 17, 1963.

"The Arrival of the Bee Box" and "Wintering" [poems]. The Atlantic. April 1963.

"The Bee Meeting", "Stings", "Cut", "Letter in November", "The Couriers", "Mary's Song", and "Years" [poems]. The London Magazine. April 1963.

"America! America!" [prose]. Punch. 3 April 1963.

"A Birthday Present" [poem]. Critical Quarterly Volume 5, Number 1. Spring 1963.

"Child" [poem]. New Statesman May 3, 1963.

"Berck-Plage" [poem]. The London Magazine. June 1963.

"For a Fatherless Son" [poem]. Critical Quarterly Volume 5, Number 2. Summer 1963.

"Fever 103°", "Purdah", and "Eavesdropper" [poems]. Poetry. August 1963.

"Two Campers in Cloud Country", "The Elm Speaks" ["Elm"], "Mystic", "Amnesiac", "Mirror", "Among the Narcissi", and "The Moon and the Yew Tree" [poems]. The New Yorker. 3 August 1963.

"Ocean 1212-W" [prose]. The Listener. 29 August 1963.

"Death & Co.", "The Swarm", "The Other", "Getting There", "Lady Lazarus", "Little Fugue", "Childless Woman", "The Jailer", "Thalidomide", and "Daddy" [poems]. Encounter. October 1963.

"Daddy", "Lady Lazarus", "Fever 103°", "Ariel", "Poppies in October", "Nick and the Candlestick", "Brasilia", "Mary's Song", and "Lesbos" [poems]. The Review 9. October 1963.


"The Wishing Box" [story]. Granta. 15 February 1964.

"The Munich Mannequins" and "Totem" [poems]. The New York Review of Books. 20 February 1964.

"The Wishing Box" [story]. The Atlantic. October 1964.

"Daddy", "In Plaster", "Small Hours" [poems]. New Poetry 1964 Critical Quarterly Poetry Supplement 5. 1964.

"November Graveyard" [poem]. Mademoiselle. November 1965.

"The Bee Meeting" and "Lady Lazarus" [poems]. American Poetry 1965 Critical Quarterly Poetry Supplement 6. 1965.

"Lesbos" [poem]. New York Review of Books. May 12, 1966.

"The Death of Myth-Making", "Sow", "Watercolor for Grantchester Meadows", "The Colossus", "Mushrooms", "Sculptor", "In Plaster", "Lesbos", "Words for a Nursery", "Nick and the Candlestick", "Stings", "Fever 103°", "Cut", "The Bee Meeting", "Death & Co.", "Daddy", "Lady Lazarus", and "Words" [poems]. TriQuarterly. Fall 1966.

"You're" [poem]. New Poems 1966 Critical Quarterly Poetry Supplement 7. 1966.

"Danse Macabre", "Admonition" ["Trio of Love Songs"], "Doomsday", "Dialogue en Route", "Circus in Three Rings", and "Mad Girl's Love Song" [poems]. The Harvard Advocate. May 1967.

Two Poems [Excerpts from "Three Women"] [poems]. Critical Quarterly 10. Autumn 1968.

"Johnny Panic and the Bible of Dreams" [story]. The Atlantic. September 1968.

"Street Song", "Natural History", "Resolve", and "Aerialist" [poems]; and facsimile of a letter to Wendy Campbell. Cambridge Review 7 February 1969.

"Complaint of the Crazed Queen" ["The Queen's Complaint"], "Battle-Scene From the Comic Operatic Fantasy The Seafarer", "Dialogue en Route", "Letter to a Purist", and "Dream of the Hearse-Driver" ["The Dream"] [poems]. TLS 31 July 1969.


"Gigolo" [poem]. The New Yorker. 21 November 1970.

"Heavy Woman" and "Mirror" [poems]. Nova May 1970.

"Two Campers in Cloud Country" [poem]. Poetry 1970 Critical Quarterly Poetry Supplement 11. 1970.

"The Babysitters", "Pheasant", "The Courage of Shutting-Up", "Apprehensions", "For a Fatherless Son", and "By Candlelight". [poems]. The New Yorker. 6 March 1971.

"What I Found Out About Buddy Willard" [excerpt from The Bell Jar]. [prose]. McCall's. April 1971.

"Candles", "Sleep in the Mojave Desert", "Crossing the Water", "Wuthering Heights", "Insomniac", "Mirror", "In Plaster", "Last Words", and "An Appearance" [poems]. Critical Quarterly Vol. 13 No. 2. Summer 1971.

"The Courage of Shutting-Up", "For a Fatherless Son", "By Candlelight", and "Gigolo" [poems]. London Magazine. August/September 1971.

Excerpt from The Bell Jar [prose]. Cosmopolitan. September 1971.

"The Surgeon at 2 a.m.", "Stillborn", "Black Rook in Rainy Weather" [poems]. Mademoiselle. September 1971.

"Mirror", "Widow", "Insomniac", "Candles" [poems]. Poetry 1971 Critical Quarterly Poetry Supplement 12. 1971.

"Crossing the Water", "Lady Lazarus", "Edge" [poems]. Intellectual Digest November 1971.

"Three Women" [poem]. Ms.. Spring 1972.

"The Mother's Union" ["Mothers"] [story]. McCall's.. October 1972.

"Morning Song" [poem]. Redbook. January 1973.

"The Day Mr. Prescott Died" [story]. Spare Rib. June 1973.

"Ode to a Bitten Plum" [poem]. Seventeen. January 1974.

"I Thought that I Could Not Be Hurt", "Burning the Letters", "Waking in Winter" [poems]. Bananas. Early Summer 1975.

"Day of Success" [story]. Bananas 3. 1975.

Letters from Sylvia [prose]. Smith Alumnae Quarterly. February 1976. With commentary by Gordon Lameyer.

"The Bed Book" [poem]. Woman's Day. October 1976.

"The Bed Book" [poem]. Cricket/i>. December 1976.

Excerpts from the Cambridge Journals [prose]. Mars. 1977.

"The Poet and the Novelist" (A Comparison) [prose]. The Listener. 7 July 1977.

"Superman and Paula Brown's New Snowsuit" [story]. Harpers and Queen. October 1977.

"Among the Bumblebees" [story]. Bananas. Autumn 1978.

Nine Letters to Lynne Lawner [letters]. Antaeus 28. Winter 1978.

Cambridge Notes [prose]. American Poetry Review. May-June 1978.

"Stings (2)" and "Words heard, by accident, over the phone" [poems]. Antaeus 30/31. Spring 1978.


"Incommunicado", "Morning in the Hospital Solarium", "Black Pine Tree in Orange Light", and "Rhyme". [poems]. The American Poetry Review. September-October 1981.

Paradise Pond [prose]. Grand Street. Winter 1982.

Letter (facsimile) to Siv Arb, 21 July 1962 [letter]. The New Yorker. 27 March 2000.

Excerpts from the Unabridged Journals [prose]. The New Yorker. 27 March 2000.

"A Comparison" [prose]. Brick. Winter 2006.

"Mary Ventura and the Ninth Kingdom" [prose]. The Hudson Review. Spring 2019.
